Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What does a hospital do when a mother has Rh- blood and her baby has Rh+ blood?

Well I am negative and when I was pregnant I had to get a Rhogam shot so that my blood cells wouldn't attack my baby. It didn't matter what blood type that my baby was, only that I was negative.Hope this helps.
That's right. If a mom is Rh negative, and she is not already sensitized to the D (Rh) antigen, then she will usually be given RhIG (Rh immune globulin or Rhogam brand name) at 28 weeks gestation and then again at birth. The first child is usually not affected by Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn caused by the Rh antigen, however (if not given Rhogam) the mom builds an antibody to this foreign D antigen, and if subsequent babies are Rh positive, those antibodies will attack the baby's red cells causing severe complications. The Rhogam is given to prevent the mom from forming antibodies to the baby's D (Rh+) antigen. The amount of Rhogam given to the mom varies depending on the amount of fetal blood cells that enter the mom at birth.... the greater the fetomaternal bleed, the more vials of Rhogam that will be needed to prevent antibody formation.
The mother needs anti-D injection during pregnancy, and after delivery.

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