Sunday, October 25, 2009

What deviltry is this ?

Well, somebody has to make the tough calls. In the US, we spend an average of about $6000 per capita on health care, and that routinely balloons up to $300,000 for the last year of life in elderly, debilitated people, while programs that could mean better health for many more people go unfunded. The financial decisions often are a political process based on emotion, and QALY's are a tool to help make more rational decisions. NHS at least has a single framework in which to operate, and rationing of care has been in place from the very beginning. It's just a matter of deciding how to ration.
yep that is scary.
I commend to his attention Professor Steven Hawking, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University since 1979 and still, despite suffering from motor neurone disease, one of the most intelligent men on the planet. What about his (inimical) effect on the quality of life of everyone around him and everyone who has read his books?

What determinnes breast size in a woman?

Amount of hormones, or body fat index?
Seen skinny women flat as boards,,,and seen skinny women stacked...what is the reason.
Implants dont count!
It almost completely depends on genetics, followed by the amount of growth hormone the body produces during puberty. Body fat does count, however, it's an external factor. If you were to lose weight or weightlift, you would burn the fat content in your breasts, reducing their size.
genetics and body fat.
mostly genetics...o yeh and if u get pregnant they get bigger
yes, definitely genetics play a big factor, and also how big a woman is in terms of body size. with more body fat you are more likely to have bigger breasts. for the women you see who are slender but have non-implant sizeable breasts, that will be because of their genetics.
Genetics and nursing
genetics and body fat

What des it take to be a forensic scientist and how?

Well to start with it will take better care of your diction!If you want to become a medical examiner and coroner and do autopsy's you will have to become a MD a pathologist - a studier of diseases of the human body, and that is not and easy task in itself.Then you will be required to examine dead bodies and extract physical specimens from corpses. You got a stomach for that?? After which, you will be required to perform autopsies on the corpses, in necessary and determine the cause of death - It all ain't the glimmer of Quincy!
The skills and the ability to become one. It's marvelously simple for an intelligent person.
Sadly, I saw a book called "Forensic Science for Dummies" in Barnes and Noble last week. It has a lot of good info on what is involved in getting into the career and what to expect while in it.
First, you will need a bachelor's degree in a science-related field of study. Second, you will have to earn a masters of forensic science degree (available at many universities around the US).
Actually it's not as complicated as everyone is making it seem. It also isn't as good as CSI makes it look. Define Forensic Scientist. That could be a coroner, fingerprint analysist etc. Believe it or not you can do many forms of forensic science by simply completing a program at a junior college. Look into it.
It all depends on what you want to do in the forensic field. There are lots of different jobs. The first big group is under the heading Comparative Sections. This includes:
Latent Fingerprints
---print development and ID
---shoe/tire track impression
Firearms (not ballistics)
---distance determination
---serial # restoration
---toolmark impressions
---weapon function tests
Questioned Documents
---authenticity of handwriting/typewriting
---indented handwriting - ESDAThe other big group is the Analytical Sections. This includes:
Microanalysis (or Trace Evidence)
---hair, fibers, glass, paint, etc
---drugs, alcohol, poisons, arson, explosives
---body fluid determination
---species origin tests (human or animal)
---DNA profiling
Computer Evidence Recovery
---computer crimesThen there are the Support Sections. This includes:
Evidence Intake
---proper packaging and handling of evidence
Crime Scene Response Unit
---travel to crime scene
---reconstruct crime scenes
---develop pictures taken by CSRU
---enhance video/picturesDifferent sections require different qualifications. For instance you will need a chemistry background to do anything in Toxicology. However, a criminal justice degree will be essential for Latent Fingerprints. Sometimes places will want you to have experience in both fields. Many colleges and universities offer criminal justice as a major now so if you're not sure just yet, take a couple classes and see how it goes. Talk to professors about pros and cons of different jobs.

What could possibly be wrong with me? i am 24 yrs old.?

ok, the past couple of weeks, i have been very very constaped. Yesterday i took 2 laxitive pills that have 25mg of Sennosides USP in them to help with my problem, later last night and into this morning my stomach starts to hurt and tell me thats is time to go. i try and try until finally i do my business, cept that i had to strain like it was nobodys business to get it out. And when i looked down in the toilet, my droppings were like little bity nuggets instead of just a couple long droppings. Also it was bloody. Now the nugget thing and the blood thing has happened off and on for like 3 yrs now, i thought i would have a hemmoroid, but had that checked out and i did not. It has been hard to have a b.m the past 3 yrs, but the past week it has been worse.I had a scope done on my stomach about 2 mnthsa ago cause i also had very bad heartburn and they said that i had a inflamed stomach, gastro- something. Should i go get a scope done, i also take methadone, i have been on for 2 yrs.
First off, I would ephasize that you need to be evaluated by a doctor. Blood in the stool is something you should not ignore - it can be a sign of a lot of different things: hemorrhoids, colorectal cancer, IBD (inflammitory bowel disease), infections, diverticulosis, etc. In your case, it sounds very suspicious that your constipation is because of the methadone - opiates (which methadone is a very strong example of) all cause constipation. Severe constipation can cause hemorrhoids or rectal fissures due to straining, which you may have. However, you need to have it evaluated - most likely by a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. SEE YOUR DOCTOR!Few other things - the condition your talking about in your stomach is called gastritis. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) should not cause blood in your stool, unless something else is going on such as hemorrhoids or fissures. More information about your case would be valuable - any weight loss? Abdominal Pain? Family history of any colorectal cancers or GI problems? And why are you on methadone at the age of 24?PS - I'm a doc...
You haven't mentioned your diet but my advice would be eat lots of raw fruit and veg, wholewheat foods, general healthy stuff. And get off the methadone.
Go get a scope done. You MAY have what is called Fecal Impaction... where not even laxatives can help out. Or... it could simply be your diet. Try eating more foods rich in fiber. Sometimes a colonic can really help too. My suggestion... get into your doctor right away. If you let this go too long, serious problems (ie... colon cancer) could be just around the corner. Try a specialist. They will know more about the issues at hand than a regular M.D.
laxatives are habit forming. the more you use the more you have to use. Fiber and stool softners are a better answer.
Also did you tell the doctore you are taking methadone. This is very important. It could be the cause of your problem. Your doctor can not help you if they do not have all the info.
second they would be inserting a tube threw your rectom this time not your stomache. It is your intestens that need to be checked for tumors. From the sounds of it expecially with blood this is what I would recomend. Talk with your doctor now.
If you haven't seen a Doctor about blood in you stool, then I would HIGHLY suggest doing so. I would also agree that you more than likely need a lot more fiber in your diet. The fiber therapy stuff does work, but you also should eat some natural fiber stuff as well. Green veggies are good and well as high fiber cereals etc.
So Sorry your having all this problem, I can empathize with you ,you may have what is called IBS- Irritable Bowel Syndrome, not a good thing to have, but FIRST you need to see a Dr. there's lots of medicine to treat it and make you feel comfortable.It will only get worse if left untreated. have your family doctor send you to a specialist if he/she cant seem to diagnose you correctly. I was 26 when I was first diagnosed. I'm now 48 and am doing just fine with a corrective eating habit and only occasional meds for the flair ups.Good Luck
the methadone will plug you up. if the blood is dark it is usually higher up in the colon, if bright red it is probally lower, go get it checked out, especially if u start vomiting, this could be several things. lacerated bowel, gall stones, pollops, impaction and strain blood release. Go see the Dr the longer u wait the more expensive it will be. GO TO THE DR, DO NOT CHECK YOUR BUDGET%26lt; GO TO THE DR, Hospital if neccessary.

What could cause the apperance of "gunk" on the spleen and lungs in a CT test?

My friend's dad had a CT done on his shoulder and they noticed a dark substance on his spleen and spots of the same thing on his lungs. His doctors do not know what it is and his white blood cell count was fine so cancer was ruled out. They have been to the doctor numerous times and to the hospital but the small town they live in there is not alot of options and he feels since he does not feel sick he is giving up finding out what it is. My friend is very worried and I was hoping someone might have an idea as to where I could look for information to what could be causing it. Thanks in advance.
the question doesn't make sense. if they did a ct san of the shoulder, they would not have been able to see spots on the lungs and spleen. did he have a whole body ct scan?
It could be sarcoidosis, which is not cancer (it is an autoimmune disease), but can certainly be a very dangerous condition if left untreated.I cannot believe that they took one blood test and declared victory. That is unconscionably reckless. If I were this guy, I'd have them do a fine needle biopsy of the spleen or at the very least a very thorough set of blood tests and have a pathologst look at the white cells under a microscope...just because the cell count is in the right range doesn't mean there isn't something wrong with the cells themselves!

What colour is white if you are colour blind?

Because white is the full spectrum of colors and appears to be the abscence of color to the eye, the eye would still percieve the color white as white
still white
My colorblind son says it's white. Why wouldn't it be? Just some colors are confusing and difficult to distinguish.
White, we can see Black and White, it is the colors that we can't.
White is all color and nobody can`t tell white as it reminds them of lovely snow
Color blind doesn't mean you can't see ANY color, but that SOME colors aren't visible. Greens and blues for some people, oranges yellows and reds for others.
color blind doesn't mean all colors, brainiac. how do you function with only 25% of the normal brain?!?
White is not really a color, and color-blind people see white as white. It is other colors that they don't recognize as the color presented.
I'm color blind and it's usually just red/green. I can still see reds and greens but sometimes I cant tell the difference.
IF your color blind don't you usually see black and white? Thus making white white....
it's the other colours that change
You answered your own question.
I am colourblind and it is still white, it doesn't change the actual colour, just people see different shade of the same colour as people without colourblindness, for example i might see brown when you see dark green. x

What color is tablet erythamiacin 500 mg?

The tablet is generally pink. If manufactured by Abbott, you'll see the Abbott "A" logo and "EE" stamped on the tablet.
Red Yellow Capsule
White, pink, salmon, orange or some variation usually. It's up to the individual manufacturer.

What color is blood in our arteries and veins?

From Wikipedia:In humans and other hemoglobin-using creatures, oxygenated blood is bright red. This is due to oxygenated iron in the red blood cells. Deoxygenated blood is a darker shade of red, which can be seen during blood donation and when venous blood samples are taken. However, due to skin pigments, blood vessel coverings and an optical effect caused by the way in which light penetrates through the skin, veins typically appear blue in color. This has led to a common misconception that venous blood is blue before it is exposed to air. Another reason for this misconception is that medical charts always show venous blood as blue in order to distinguish it from arterial blood which is depicted as red on the same chart.
blood leading away from our lungs are blue due to be oxygenated, blood leading back to the heart is red.
It's red, close your eyes and look towards a light...what do you see, open your mouth and look's pink, blood gives it that color. without out blood our tissue would be pale and definitely is not blue, hope this helps you :)
blue, in both directions. the age old myth that it is red on one direction and blue coming back is totally a farce. It only turns red when exposed to atmospheric oxygen. Just look at the femoral artery running up your inner is easiest to see near your crotch...its BLUE...that is an artery...according to legend, its supposed to have RED blood in it....are artery tissues red and veins blue? NO! They are fleshy pink and translucent under pressure, that is why you can see them colored...the blood is BLUE
All blood is red, just different shades. The blue myth is caused by diagrams in which it is blue to show the two different systems.
Blood is red in any blood vessel. The arteries carry oxygen rich blood so it is a brighter red. The veins carry oxygen poor blood and it is a darker red color. The veins that you see through your skin only appear blue due to the reflection of the light. All blood is red due to the iron element in the hemoglobin. BLUE BLOOD IS A MYTH!
In humans, all blood is red. It can be different shades of red depending on the oxygenation of the hemoglobin molecules in the red blood cells.Our veins look blue because the tissue overlying them bends light, just like the atmosphere bends light to make the sky look blue.I did a podcast about this topic: click on the Play Now link - it's about a minute long.Hope that clears up your question.(Factoid: Octopus blood is bluish because instead of hemoglobin, they use hemocyanin, a copper based molecule.)

What cold medicine can I take if I am currently taking Naprosyn and Lorazepam?

I am taking Naprosyn and Lorazepam for the headaches I have been getting. However since everyone here at work is sick and sneezing, it seems I caught the bug too. What OTC medication can I take that won't interfere with these 2 drugs?
The only OTC cold medication you should definitely avoid is Aleve Cold %26 Sinus, as it contains naproxen sodium - a salt of the naproxen you are getting from your Naprosyn. Also, you might want to check for the antihistamines chlorpheniramine and brompheniramine as they could make you very drowsy in combination with the lorazepam. Most night-time OTC cold medications have one of these antihistamines, and they are known to have a moderate interaction with lorazepam. When combined, it could result in CNS or respiratory depression, although this is a higher risk for elderly patients or people who have a serious illness. If you decide to take a product with one of these antihistamines, be sure you don't have to drive or "operate heavy machinery" as the labels say. You can check with your doctor or pharmacist to confirm this.
You really need to ask your doctor or a pharmacist about possible drug interactions and what drugs you can take together, not strangers on the web.
Headaches is not one of lorazepam's proper uses. Talk to your doctor about that one. If you have a cold with a runny nose, you really don't have to take anything at all. Especially anything labeled as an "immunity booster" (which are simply expensive placebos).Lorazepam is a sedative, so it would be ill-advised to take anything else that could be sedating, such as liquid cold remedies (they frequently have alcohol) and antihistamines. Try Afrin or Intal for nose symptoms, Delsym for cough (though really there is NO cough medicine that works for colds). Cough drops. And most important of all, just let your cold run its course. See your MD if not better in two weeks, or if you get sicker.
Take any or none.Frankly there is no such thing as 'cold medicine'. There is only stuff that eases the symptoms when you have a cold, not anything that will prevent you from catching it.One exception: Zinc has been shown to have a slight effect on cold virus. It only works when it's in contact with the virus, so coughcandy containing zinc won't harm you. The effect is slight at best.
Try Cold Eze Zinc lozenges or some other type of zinc lozenges in the form zinc gluconate containing at least 13.3 mg desolved in your mouth every two waking hours for the duration of your cold symptoms. Several years ago I read an article that reported it would reduce the average cold symptoms from7-9 days down to 3-4 days. I tried it and it has worked for me everytime since. If I catch the symptoms early enough I can stop the cold the very same day I feel it comming on. You may read more by going to the following web site.
Hope you feel better soon
Be careful of lorazepam, it is very addictive and you can get bad withdrawal effects. It is a benzodiazepine. Try to get a non-drowsy preparation if you are taking anything then it shouldn't interact. Speak to a pharmacist about the drugs to see if there is any interaction.

What characteristic or condition of blood is determined by the number of red blood cells in the blood plasma?

low red blood cell counts is called anemia.high counts are called polycythemia
serum ferritin levels
The hematocrit is the ratio of the volume of formed elements (RBC WBC PLT) to the total volume. Also called packed cell volume.The RBC count, the Hgb levels are also affected.
Too many is polycythemia. Too few is anemia.

What changes occur in the circulatory system when a person stands up from a prone position?

How do these changes affect the heart rate and blood pressure of the individual?
Typically when we stand from prone, the blood in our venous system tends to pool in our lower extremities. This causes a reduction to the blood flow to our heart, in medical terms, decreased preload. Since there is a small decrease to the total volume of blood going to the heart, the heart compensates by increasing its heart rate. People may experience a very small drop in blood pressure only for a short time.
In healthy individuals, the little changes in heart rate and blood pressure are not enough for us to feel any different.
There are compensatory mechanisms that prevent too severe drop in blood pressure. The carotid sinus has pressure receptors that determine if there's a significant change in MAP (mean arterial pressure) and respond by increasing or decreasing the capacitance of the vessels thereby compensating. In the elderly, these mechanisms are sluggish and decreased.

What cell was this one?

In a fossil, I found a few cells-like things at: advice on any of the "cells" would be appreciated by many people.
Because they're fossilized, it's next to impossible to tell what they were -- the intracellular detail is obliterated, as is any discernible morphology that could be examined at that power of microscopy
it's an air bubble. not a cell.

What causes shortness of breath, tired, sore throat tight chest , headache?

unknown substance taken
go to the Emergency room
if you took an unknown substance, try to find out what it was, or go to the emrgency room for evaluation; or you could have the virus thats gone around for 2 cannot breathe deeply, ears stopped up,cant smell or taste food,throat problems and terrible cough
take some B complex,drink some orange juice and Co q ten, and go to bed early very early for 2 or 3 weeks and you will felel better..mine lasted 8 weeks. If i was working I would have had to take a few days off..
Call 911. Shortness of breath and tight chect point to a serious problem. GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND CALL 911 NOW.
3/5 Symptoms Mentioned By you, Suggest Myocardial Ischemia, Go to the ER and Get it Checked Out.
DIY - Doctoring Notes :-
Hun, you should go to the doctor, the clinic, the hospital, just go somewhere where there are doctors and nurses, why would you take an unknown substance? Hope it's nothing serious... shortness or breath and a tight chest means something serious.... maybe you mixed drugs with alcohol...

What causes salt retension in kidneys in a person on long term high salt intake?

Salt retention in the kidneys are caused by 2 related factors. If you have low plasma salt concentration or low blood volume, the kidneys will retain salt and water to increase these intravascularly. Secondly, these low conc. of plasma sodium or low blood volume will cause several hormones tp come into play and these are the mechanisms of salt and water retention. (1) Aldosterone secretion by the adrenal glands, (2) secretion of renin by the kidneys, affecting angiotensin levels and causing the retention of sodium and water, also this will affect ADH (antidiuretic hormone) and ANF (atrial naturetic factor). Now these occur when there are low levels of sodium, low blood volume, as the result of certain medications and drugs or a combination. High salt intake usually blunts these responses because high NaCl causes water retention, increases blood volume and blood pressure.

What causes grating lobes in ultrasound imaging?

"Grating lobes are unique to array transducers and are caused by the regular, periodic spacing of the small array elements. When the energy of these lobes is reflected by off-axis structures and detected by the transducer, the signal produced is artifactual and produce "ghost images" blurring the main image. To overcome this problems each individual element has been subdivided into a half wavelength wide. This effectively eliminated the grating lobes by increasing the angle to greater than 90 degrees. Eliminating grating lobes also improves the signal-to-noise ratio by increasing the size of the main lobe energy relative to the background energy. This further improves image contrast."

What causes FIBROIDS?

A fibroid starts as a single muscle cell in the uterus. For reasons that are not known, this cell changes into a fibroid tumor cell and starts to grow and multiply. Heredity may be a factor. It is thought that a muscle cell in the uterus may be "programmed" from birth to develop into a fibroid sometime-perhaps many years-after puberty (the start of menstrual periods).After puberty, the ovaries produce more hormones, especially estrogen. Higher levels of these hormones may help fibroids to grow, although exactly how this might happen is not understood.I really hope that this helped answer your question....good luck hun

What careers/ specialties in medicine are there for those who are curious and creative?

maybe something in a lab, like research.
One interesting career in the healthcare industry is the Medical Illustrator. If you have the artistic skill and an interest in all things medical, this job may be suitable for you.Excerpt from wikipedia:
A medical illustrator is a professional artist with extensive training in medicine and science who interprets and creates visual material to help record and disseminate medical, biological and related knowledge. Medical illustrators not only produce such material but function as consultants and administrators within the field of biocommunication.They create medical illustrations using traditional and digital techniques which can appear in medical textbooks, medical advertisements, professional journals, instructional videotapes and films, animations, computer-assisted learning programs, exhibits, lecture presentations, general magazines and television. Although most medical illustration is designed for print or presentation media, medical illustrators also work in three dimensions, creating anatomical teaching models, patient simulators and facial prosthetics.
85% of diseases have no cures. Even the cause of several diseases is not known.
If you are creative and if your research discovers cause or cure of a few diseases , nothing like it .
Any speciality/superspeciality has ample scope for curious/ creative genius.
Best of luck.

What can interfere with a drug test and cause you to test positive for ecstasy or MDMA?

I have a friend who tested positive for ecstasy when given a drug test. She hasn't done any ecstacy, but she has done other drugs. What can cause you to test positive for ecstacy?
When anyone takes a illegal drug they really do not know what they are taking. I think that includes a prescription drug that is illegally taken. One can read the bottle and if it is not theirs they do not know if the person that owned the prescription has changed the drug in the bottle. The person who gave her the drug may have not known, or could have that is the chance anyone takes that uses drugs. I know of nothing besides ecstasy to show as ecstasy in a drug test so she may have been mislead and now she needs to learn what the drug does to women . It sounds like she needs a lot of knowledge on the long term affects of drug use on the bodies of male and females. Addiction is not something that one can get rid of. If your friend enjoys not being in her real world and uses drugs to escape it then most likely she has a problem. Try to get her to get help and if she doesn't there is nothing you can do. Good luck with your friend and try to wise her up in life.
Sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, and of course ecstacy or MDIMA
obviously she did not know exactly what it is she was taking , because if she tested positive for it, then she took it.

What can i take for a strong headache ,other than ibuprofen?

can't s;eep because of strong headaches at night.
it might be better to determine what type of headaches they are and what is causing them. for instance, caffeine withdrawl (drinking lots of coffee or soda in the morning, then withdrawing) is a common cause of headaches.
Excedrin...Excedrin Migraine
Excedrin and tea
Alleve works well. I would contact your doctor though if you are having headaches to the point where you can't sleep
DOLONOX is the best one is dispersal one.
Aspirin, Tylenol
Chamomile tea
Find out what is causing them, and what type of headaches they are. Then it is easier to choose a course of action.
I swear by Excedrin Migraine. Nothing else works for my headaches (which for me a standard headache is as painful as a migraine) and this works very well.
Tylenol, Asprin, caffeine, naproxen, ketoprofen, paracetamol....
Darvocet [RX] works well for me .This has been a long stand-by for years. Just ask your doctor to give you a script and try it . I can't take ibuprofen b/c of stomach problems, and this doesn't bother that at all.
analgesic will do
Aspirin (520 mg), Acetaminophen (260 mg), Caffeine (32.5 mg)
This is what is in Goody`s powers and works great
Headache is a pain in the head, scalp or neck.
Headaches can be caused by minor problems
like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more serious reasons
like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
have harmful side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at

What can I do to stimulate my right and left brain?

To make me work more intellectually.
Soduko, and Brain Puzzles work easier for a shorter answer as well.
Your left brain handles logic and reasoning, your right the artistic and creative.Logic games like sudoku are great for sharpening the left. As to the right, get someone to present you with a picture, upside down. Try to copy the picture, without looking at it the right way up. When you've finished, turn the orignal around and you'll be surprised at how accurate your copy is. It really make the right brain "kick in" and I think you'll be surprised at how accurately you have reproduced the original picture.
Apparently, this works by your right brain causing you to draw what you actually see and not what the left brain thinks you see.
In order to stimulate my brain to make me work better, I usually drink a cup of coffee every morning. If you do not have any problem or so regarding coffee, I suggest you to drink coffee every morning because coffee is also known as stimulant and so it helps to stimulate more electric impulses in your brain, which helps you to work more intellectually. If you don't want to drink coffee, you can also try to eat other food like walnut, salmon, almond, and lots of fruits like papaya, cantaloupe, apple, etc.

What can i do about darrhea caused by taking antibiotic clarithromycin?

i was thinking about imodium but this is an advisory for itWhat should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking Imodium?
Do not use this medication if you are allergic to Imodium, or if you have:
if you have diarrhea that is caused by taking an antibiotic.
talk to the doctor to see if they want to change it, but in the mean time these things can help with it - plain white rice, yogurt, bananashope you feel better!
Anytime you have an undesired side-effect from medication, you should contact your doctor or pharmacist.Sandy
eat lots of cheeeeeeez
The real danger of diarrhea from oral clarithromycin is an overgrowth of a resistant strain of clostridium dificil. This can be life threatening.One indication of this sort of overgrowth is a watery diarrhea, cramping and a really, really foul odor. In this case, you don't want to take any anti-diarrheal that will slow intestinal motility (how fast things move through the bowel) because then the harmful bacterial toxins will just build up in your gut. So, immodium or lomotil or any other anti-diarrheal that acts to slow transit time (the time from mouth to toilet) is contraindicated. For this type of diarrhea (and only this type) you should stop the antibiotic, increase fluid intake, take an absorbative sort of anti-diarreahal (like diatomacious earth or a high gluten grain type) in an attempt to sequester the toxin and pass it out. This would be under a physician's supervision.All other types of antibiotic diarrhea are usually transient and can be treated with oral anti-diarrhetics like immodium or lomotil or paragoric. The above mentioned side effect is so severe that contacting your physician for any symptom of diarrhea while on antibiotics is usually recommended to be let him/her be the judge.Mild diarrhea wouldn't necessarily be a reason to stop the antibiotic. It would depend on the underlying infection you were taking the antibiotic for.
Interesting reaction. I took it after surgery 10 years ago and didn't suffer that unpleasent side effect. I was instructed to take this med with a meal; are you doing that? Is it possible that you had a minor intestinal infection happening prior to taking the medication? Maybe you had a case of the flu developing...?First things first:
1) STOP taking the medication
2) Contact your doctor IMMEDIATELY
3) Drink LOTS of water; you are being dehydrated with every "pit stop"
4) Replenish your depleted electrolytes with Gatorade at ROOM TEMPERATURE (not chilled or iced). Gatorade was developed to be consumed at room temperature so the body absorbs it at a faster rate; chilling it slows that process down!
5) Eat white bread or white rice. Stay away from dairy which may aggrevate the intestine, although yogurt is okay to eat.
6) If you feel you must take an anti-diarrhea remedy, try kaopectate, which is basically liquified clay. Yucky tasting but will solidify those poopies REEAAAAL fast! Stay away from Pepto Bismal, which can be "counterproductive" and will turn your stool an alarming black color. YIKES!Sometimes you body just needs to "clean house" to get rid of built up toxins in your body either from one "end" or the other. In those cases, sometimes just letting Momma Nature take it's course is the best thing you can do as long as it isn't for more than 24 hours; after that, and you might become too dehydrated. And are you sure it is the result of taking this medication?Best to talk with your doctor as soon as possible.Hope this helps and that you are feeling much better real soon. Take care!
Continue taking the antibiotic, stopping the antibiotic before the bacteria is out of your body can cause the virus to become "stronger" and it can make you even sicker. You have to continue with the medicine, don't stop unless your doctor says so. About the only thing you can do is to drink ALOT of liquids. The main risk with diarrhea is dehydration. Don't mix imodium with an antibiotic without talking to your doctors, antibiotics have lots of interactions with over the counter products. Once again, its VERY important not to stop the antibiotic unless your doctor says so.

What can i be after i have a degree in Pharmaceutical?

Help needed !! thanks!!
You can be a pharmacist (seems pretty obvious), who prescribes medicine to patients to help "make them better".
You could work in the capacity of a Biochemist at a Biotech company, you can work for a Pharmaceutical company or you could go on to grad/professional school to become a Pharmacist.
It is true you can be a pharmacist (with a PharmD), but pharmacists do not prescribe medication, they just make sure that the patient gets the right medication from the doctor(MD). There are other jobs in the R%26D fields with product development. drug sales representatives sometimes come from the Pharmaceutical area as well.
I am assuming that you mean "Pharmaceutical Sciences" which means that you can work in an R%26D setting. Universities typically divide their Pharmaceutical Sciences program into 2 tracks - you either focus your education in the areas of medicinal chemistry and pharmacology - working on the development of new "drug substances", or the area of industrial/physical pharmacy - working on the development of the "drug product" (the tablets, capsules, and other dosage forms). If you have a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, you will not be licensed to practice either Pharmacy or Medicine, although you can go on to work in either of those fields through further graduate studies.

What can go wrong with PRK -eye surgery?

Can most things be treated with another operation?
Although PRK is a well established refractive surgery, like all procedures there can be side-effects. More commonly occurring are blur, halos, glare, and over or undercorrection. Less commonly occurring are infection and loss of best-corrected visual acuity. Things to keep in mind are that PRK healing time is longer than LASIK and can be more uncomfortable. Many of the refractive side-effects may be treated with another operation but not all are ammenable to treatment. Pick your surgeon wisely and ask many questions. Good luck with the procedure and connecting with an excellent surgeon.

What bones attach to the humerus?

the ulna and the radius
The Ulna and Radius at the lower end. Scapula and clavicle at the top.
The ulna and the radius attach at the elbow and the humerus also attaches to the scapula (shoulder blade).

What benefits have u gain being a professional nurse?

The most benefit I gained as a professional nurse is moral contentment realizing the care I extended to the patient gave me all the opportunities to serve humanity. That is the most and foremost.

What are this Round white pills my grandfather takes it says "IP 131" on one side then "400" on the other?

I've searched the internet and can't find any info on them my grandfather is all disorented all the time and I want to find out if these are the reason or if it's something eles. round white pills IP 131 on one side 400 on the other. any input would be greatly appreaciated.
sounds like Ibuprofien 400 MG tablets produced by Phiser under generic production. My guess is he takes two of them since 800 MG is a standard adult dosage for general pain killing purposes.
Why don't you look at the bottle the pills come in?

What are they?

There are two elements which are injurious to human health but when combined in a compound they become an absolutely necessary ingredient
for human food. what are they?
Table Salt
Chlorine %26 SodiumHydrochloric acid
Sodium Hydroxide
one sodium and other chlorine
when combined as a compound gives sodium choride i.e common table salt

What are these????

I busted one of my kids with some pills.... I flushed them down the toilet. A co-worker said I should have found out what they were. They were white kinda oval pill with a line one one side and M363 on the other. What are these???
The pills are 10 mg Hydrocodone and 500 mg Acetaminophen.
M363 is 10 mg hydro/500 APAP made by Mallinckrodt.Hydrocodone = Vicodin = (related to codeine) is in a class of drugs called narcotic analgesics. It relieves pain.Acetaminophen = Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever that increases the effects of Hydrocodone.Together, Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen are used to relieve moderate-to-severe pain.
sounds like some type of pain killer
OMG!!! uh..............hehehe........... ask your kid
I reccomend checking with a phamacist. They might have some idea.
Hydrocodone (pain killers)
It looks like they were 500mg acetaminophen. Over the counter painkillers, in other words.
10 mg Hydrocodone with 500 mg acetaminophen
you should have taken them to your local pharmacy.. they maybe could have figured it outtoo late
Did a net search and got a Vicodin site. Not a good drug for your children to have without a doctor's control. However, please don't rely on this info. Do your own search.
It sounds like Hydrocodone w/ Acetaminophen - basically Vicodin. This is a C3 narcotic, which means their addiction potential increases with use. If there was one, there's more.
It does not appear good. I did a search and found what your kid had; and it is not aspirin. The pill, apparently is ACETAMINOPHEN-HYDROCODONE, and is a generic pill. This proabably does not mean much until you hear the "brand names" of this drug:
Lortab(R), Lorcet(R), Vicodin(R) and so on. The real popular one is the Vicodin. This is a powerful pain killer and is actually a heavily regulated drug.Read about it here: picture here: reference below for confirmation.

What are the top pharmaceutical companies in the world?

What are they? Murderers!
ur mom after tonite
Largest Pharmaceutical Co. is Pfizer. Largest Bio-Pharm is Amgen.
Extremely wealthy and powerful.
*pay no attention to the jerk that posted the question about your mom....why do they let people on here that are like that anyway??? *geez*Rank 2004 Company Country Healthcare Revenue 2004
1 Pfizer USA
2 Bristol-Myers
3 GlaxoSmithKline
4 Sanofi-Aventis
5 Novartis Switzerland
6 Hoffmann-La Roche Switzerland
7 Merck %26 Co. USA
8 AstraZeneca UK-Sweden
9 Abbott Laboratories USA
10 Johnson %26 Johnson USA
11 Wyeth USA
12 Eli Lilly and Company
13 Bayer Germany
14 Amgen USA
15 Boehringer Ingelheim Germany
16 Baxter International USA
17 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Japan
18 Schering-Plough USA
19 Astellas Pharma Japan
20 Procter %26 Gamble USA
21 Schering Germany
22 Merck KGaA Germany
23 Eisai Co. Japan
24 Novo Nordisk Denmark
25 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Israel
26 Genentech USA
27 Sankyo Co. Japan
28 Akzo Nobel The Netherlands
29 Alcon Switzerland
30 Forest Laboratories USA
31 Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Japan
32 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Japan
33 Taisho Pharmaceutical Japan
34 Altana Germany
35 Serono Switzerland
36 Bausch %26 Lomb USA
37 Mitsubishi Pharma Japan
38 Biogen Idec USA
39 Genzyme USA
40 Solvay Belgium
41 UCB Belgium
42 Allergan USA
43 Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Japan
44 Shionogi %26 Co. Japan
45 Ivax USA
46 Chiron Corporation USA
47 Watson Pharmaceuticals USA
48 H. Lundbeck Denmark
49 Sumitomo Chemical Co. Japan
50 Tanabe Seiyaku Co. Japan
50 Claris Lifesciences Ltd.

What are the symptoms of Mild Dengue?

Characterized by sudden onset of high fever, weakness and prostration, severe headaches, retro-orbital pain, joint and muscle pain (myalgia), nausea, vomiting, and rash. The fever rises rapidly to as high as 104 F, and may be accompanied by bradycardia. The petechiae rash appears 3-4 days after the onset of fever, and usually appears on the trunk first, before spreading peripherally. Symptoms usually persist for 7 days, hence one of the common names for the disease: seven-day fever. Symptoms of hemorrhagic dengue are initially indistinguishable from dengue fever, but progress to faintness, shock, and systemic bleeding (gastrointestinal hemorrhage, etc.). The mortality rate for hemorrhagic dengue is 5%. Dengue does not produce long-term complications. Dengue can be confused clinically with influenza, measles, malaria, Colorado tick fever, scarlet fever, typhus, yellow fever, and other hemorrhagic fevers.

What are the similarities and differences between endothermy and ectothermy?

Ectotherms - Change their internal state according to changes in the surroundings. Reptiles %26 Amphibians belong to this.
Endotherms - Maintain a constant internal condition. Eg .Mammals %26 Aves

What are the similarities and differences between anterior and posterior pituitary hormones?

You should think of each hormone, whether from the anterioir or posterior pituitary as unique, with it's own unique set of functions and regulatory mechanisms.There are two hormones which come from the posterior pituitary: Vasopressin (also known as antidiuretic hormone) and Oxybutinin. Vasopressin main role is to make sure we have enough water flowing through our blood vessels, permitting normal blood pressures and delivery of the oxygen/nutrients to all our tissues. Oxybutinin is involved in the contraction of the uterus during delivery of a baby. Both of these hormones are actually made in the neurons of the hypothalamus (part of the brain), which is directly/physically connected to the posterior pituitary. They are made in the hypothalamus, but secreted by the posterior pituitary gland. (So the posterior pituitary can be thought of as an extension of the brain!)The anterior pituitary makes many more hormones, including thyroid stimulating hormone (regulates/stimulates the thyroid gland), prolactin (stimulates breast milk production), growth hormone (stimulates cellular growth and metabolism), luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones (both are involved in the female menstrual cycle and ovulation), and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (stimulates/regulates the adrenal gland). Each of these hormones have unique activaties and regulatory mechanisms...they just happen to be made close to each other within the body (the anterior pituitary).
Each hormone is unique in the body. you cant give more imp to one or less imp to another.
Ant. Pituitary hormones are controlling hormones of other endocrine glands in body. like ACTH regulates hormones of adrenal glands, TSH regulates thyroid hormones, etc.
Post pituitary have 2 hormones- Vasopressin( ADH) is very critical for maintaining urine osmolarity. and other is Oxytocin which is important at the time of labour(child birth) maintaining utrine contractions.
other difference between them is ant pituitary hormones are released by the controll of hypothalamic hormones which are called Releasing hormones, for ACTH it is ACreleasing hormone, for TSH it is TRH. while post pituitary are manufactured in hypothalamus and carried to post pituitary and then released from there.
You can go to and can find out more about this hormones.
Much of What is Written Above is True, my Additions would Be Negative Feedback of The Ant. Hormones and POMC.

What are the side effects of taking glutathione if you have thyroid problem?

i tried to search the net but i cant find specific answer. my sister has a thyroid problem, she was diagnosed with thyroid nodule several years is safe for her to take glutathione? if not what are the possible side effects?thank you.
GLUTATHIONE is a dietary supplement used as an antioxidant to help protect the body from many diseases and conditions. It is also used to treat infertility (difficulty getting pregnant), cancer, cataracts, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Glutathione is used to detoxify various chemicals from the body. Other names for Glutathione include: Gamma-glutamylcysteinylglycine and GSH. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist if you need more information about this medicine or if any information in this leaflet concerns you. Side Effects:
Stop taking your medicine right away and talk to your doctor if you have any of the following side effects. Your medicine may be causing these symptoms which may mean you are allergic to it. - Breathing problems or tightness in your throat or chest
- Chest pain
- Skin hives, rash, or itchy or swollen skin
- Other Side Effects:
You may have the following side effects, but this medicine may also cause other side effects. Tell your doctor if you have side effects that you think are caused by this medicine. -- Zinc deficiency was seen in long term use of a combination product containing Glutathione.-
Glutathione is neither good nor bad for thyroid problems. Glutathione is inert.It doesn`t alter thyroid function in any way.
Glutathione is an anti-oxidant. It wont have any side effect, unless you consume in high amount
because your sister has a degree of hyper thyrodism ,so her metabolism rate is high.her oxidative stress is also high due to the high amount of metabolites formed in her body therefore i advise her to take glutathione as it will decrease the risk of many possible problems that may occur.i ask GOD for your sister %26 for every sick person to help %26cure them ....................Amen
#Benefits of glutathione:# This supplement inhibits free radical damage.# It has been researched for its ability to convert harmful foreign compounds like pesticides, solvents and air pollutants into less harmful substances that can be flushed from the body.# On the cellular level,glutathione glutathione may facilitate the transport of important nutrients across cell membranes while supporting the integrity of red blood cells.# It may significantly enhance quality of life and prevent liver and kidney damage in patients who are receiving chemotherapy.# It may also support health during radiation therapy.# Glutathione may improve liver function in recovering alcoholics.# Its deficiency has been associated with cataracts and supplementation has shown promising results.# Its deficiency has also been associated with Parkinson's disease.# Glutathione can support immune function and is used in the treatment of AIDS.# This supplement may treat respiratory infections in children.Side Effects of glutathione:# If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor before taking this dietary supplement.# Pregnancy/Breast-Feeding:Any adverse effects with the use of this stress supplement has been noted related to fetal development during pregnancy or to infants who are breast-fed.

What are the side effects of gadolinium?

I am going to rec an injection for an MRI. Just want to know how long it will stay in my system and what to expect while it is in my system, plus any side effects I should be aware of.
thank you.
Allergic reaction, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, a sensation of pain, a general feeling of warmth or coldness are the most frequently recorded reactions.However, there is emerging evidence of a rare, but serious systemic fibrosing disease called Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis/Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (NSF/NFD). Per the FDA:Patients with moderate to end-stage kidney disease who receive gadolinium-based contrast agents are at risk for developing (NSF/NFD).
Nothing serious; ask the radiation techs for details. Gadolinium is used to improve the contrast in an MRI procedure.
Visit the local neighborhood Wikipedia.
If I Remember Correctly, it Reduces the Local Magnetic Field, So Useful as a Contrast In MRI. Not Probable to Have Any Serious Side Effects, it does Not Normally Pass the Blood-Brain Barrier, but Haptenization of the Molecule Seems Possible, Making it Recognizable to Performed IgE, Allergic Reaction.
I have injected thousands of patients with Gadolinium for their MRI scans and never once had a patient experience an allergic reaction. I have also injected thousands of patients with non-ionic contrasts (used for CT scans) and seen a few reactions. Reactions to the CT contrasts are much more common than reactions from MRI contrasts. I have never had ONE patient experience nausea, vomiting or pain from Gad. Your kidneys (assuming they are functioning properly) will filter the Gad out of your system in the matter of a couple of hours. Other than a needle stick in a vein, usually located in your inner elbow, you will not know anyone has done anything to you.We have recently become aware of the dangers of using Gad with patient with kidney disorders. If you have a history of renal problems/failure, there are a few rare cases of Gad causing renal failure. If a patient has a history of renal problems, we ask they have a blood test to check their Creatinine and BUN levels. If those levels are normal, we will go ahead and use Gad if it is indicated.

What are the side effects of amtriptyline I taking it? it making so dizzy and makes me feel faint to the point

where I feel like I goint to passout and I feel tried I was put on it for mirgraines but I wonder if I should be taking it. I know antidressive can make you feel better because some of them have a pain medicine with there a way you can tell me the side effects. is there anything you can do to help me?
otherwise known as big reds...on the streets some people take them to sleep for long periods of time while in jail...but they make you psychotic like most experimental psych-meds...only cannabis can help in the cases of people I have known... throw them out!!p.s. get another doctor or opinion cause it is not a migraine drug!! it is a psych-med for people with schizophrenia
One common side effect is leg tremors.
go to and for all your answers.
The brand name of this drug is Elavil, it is an anti-deppressant and it is also used to help people sleep. You should only be taking a large dose, over 50mg at night. I you are taking it during the day, hold off and take it before bed.

What are the side effect for shroooms?

dont sound like enough to discurage me i have take over the counter s h i t that does worse then that
Large pupils, a bit of stressed feeling in the neck, sometimes nausea

What are the risks of using contact lenses that have expired?

They are sealed "monthly" lenses. And only recently expired (like, last month) And I just HATE to throw away something new...Will I get an eye infection? The ebola? The bubonic plague? What will happen to me?????
The expiration dates are mandated by the FDA. If the expiration date was only one month ago, but the product was still completely sealed, don't be worried. They are ok to wear as long as they have been sealed the entire time. If they were one year expired, I would say don't risk it, but one month is ok.
Well maybe eye infection or blind that could damage your eye so bad!!
I suppose there is a risk of infection. Apparently daily and montly lenses are made of the same stuff so you can just buy daily lenses and keep them in solution for a month.
you could really screw your eyes up. I messed around a lot with contacts before I had laser surgery. Just be careful. lol, bo bubonic plague. Maybe just mad cow disease.
Eye Contacts are still medication in a way. You could get an eye infection or it could effect your eye sight. Throw them away.
Monthly lenses tend to disintegrate quickly, hence the disposable part.As for the fact that they expired, I wouldn't worry about throwing them away, and the most you can get is eye irritation. If it starts to be irritating, then you can throw it away.
I have no medical answers! But I can give my opinion, if it were me I would still use them! If it began to irritate my eye or anything out of the ordinary, I woud take it out and use a newer pair! I have done so in the past and it hasn't caused any problems for me!
Good luck, if you're still concerned, throw them out! I'm just saying what I would do!
You will turn lesbian.

What are the reasons to use a rectal thermometer over an oral one?

Is it more acurate? Why do we have them?
rectal temperatures are more accurate than oral in terms of reflecting true body core temperature.

What are the positive and negative sides of genetic engineering?

What do you think?
Genetic engineering consists of taking genes from one organism and transplanting them into an unrelated species. This is frequently done by the use of a virus, which inserts the genes into the target organism. It is used in the US to impart resistance to food crops. The crops then aquire an immunity to the insects which would ordinarily eat them. This technique can be used with animals as well, and an aquarium fish known as the zebra danio had the genes of a marine invertebrate added to its DNA. The result was a fluorescent orange fish which glowed brightly under UV lights, just as the marine species had. One potential risk of this technology is the creation of deadly virus strains, either accidently or deliberatly. The AIDS virus appears to be a monkey disease which mutated and got passed to chimpansees, which frequently eat monkeys. Humans eat chimpansees, and the mutated virus was able to live in humans too. The difference was that it does not kill chimpansees, but is eventually lethal to humans. At present, our knowledge of DNA only allows us to make crude modifications to genes. Things will change radically as our understanding of chromosomes increases to the point where sophisticated engineering is possible. This would be a science-fiction world where pork chops would grow on trees. The disturbing aspect of this scenario is when humans turn this technology upon themselves to create aliean looking races far stranger than are currently portrayed in "star wars" or "star trek". Genetic engineering would enable "humans" to live permenantly in outer space without gravity and an absolute minimum of food. Perhaps becomming photosynthetic like plants would solve this problem. Maybe all those alieans supposedly visiting Earth are just our future descendants going back in time to see what their "dinosaur" ancestors were like. We have met the alieans and they are us.
I don't actually see any positive sides
Genetic engineering is a vast field of science with several disciplines. In general I would say in the lab-good, in the world-bad.Genetic engineering in the lab can produce results which improve our understanding of the working of organisms including humans, animals, plants and insects. In the same lab, cheaper drugs are developed which are comprised of bacteria or mold with their genetic sequences altered to contain pharmaceutical compounds.Genetic engineering in the real world is much more problematic. A GM plant, animal or human can and will alter and affect the natural balance if released into nature and they contaminate the sustainability of the natural organisms from which they are derived.A very basic form of genetic engineering is eugenics or selective breeding. Since all the characteristics are naturally introduced by their own populations they are generally but not always sustainable.

What are the physical characteristics of adult mind development?

When learning or reading new concepts %26 formulas, what causes physical pain or a tightness in the brain? Is this the actual development of wrinkles on the cerebrum? Is it a lack of electrolytes, or burning of material, hormone, realignment of brain cells, or the actual feeling caused by rapid firing of the synapses? What causes it? Is it a result of eye strain, lack of blinking more regularly or "hyperfocusing" (actually developing the habit of holding open the eyes while reading new ideas/learning thus not blinking at the risk of losing the train of thought or concept/stream of consciousness? Although I have a well developed short term memory, hyperfocusing helps to take concept from paper/website and commit it quickly to long term memory. Is there any documentation or studies on this? The pain/ache feels like an actual strain or stress that even tightens up the scalp to the point of noticeably more hair loss. Can one take supplements or eat anything besides caffeine? Please help.

What are the neuroprotective drugs that could be used against ischemic stroke?

I'm not aware of any drugs that can actually protect the neural tissue against ischemia, nor of any drug that protects any tissue in general against infarction. The only drugs that really are, in a sense, protective are drugs that lower the risk of heart disease or vascular disease, since those are really the only causes of ischemic stroke. These drugs are the ones used against hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arrythmias, etc

What are the names of some of the joints in the human body?

The only one that pops into my head is ball-and-socket. Do you know the names of the other joints? Thanks.
There are many types of joints. Remember that a joint is an articulation, which means it's a union between 2 or more bones or parts of bones of the skeleton. Synovial joints are articulating bones that move freely on one another. They are the most common types of joints, and they're classified according to the articulating surfaces and/or the type of movement they permit. The types of synovial joints include:
1. Pivot joint (e.g. atlantoaxial joint), where a bone rotates inside a hole of another bone.
2. Ball and Socket (e.g. hip joint), a rounded head fits into a concave pocket.
3. Plane joint (e.g acromioclavicular joint), where 2 flat bones glide against one another.
4. Hinge joint (e.g. elbow joint), where allows your arm to bend.
5. Saddle joint (e.g. carpometacarpal joint), where saddle-shaped heads of bones connect.
6. Condyloid joint (e.g. Metacarpophalangeal joint), which allows your fingers to bend.
fattys or blunts
there is gliding, hinge, immoveable, pivot, saddle and fixed..hope this helps.
go ivyleague!

What are the most important discoveries in the history of medicine?

or just the most important discovery
I suppose it depends on who you ask.In terms of years of life added, the most significant discoveries (so to speak) are soap, sewers and square meals. Allow me to elaborate...SOAP: Good personal hygeine. Prescribed by physicians for centuries, it successfully reduced many infectious issues, especially things like hepatitis that are spread by fecal-oral transmission by improperly cleaned hands preparing food.SEWERS: Good civic hygeine. Again, prescribed by physicians of an earlier era, the proper handling of human waste and proper preparation of potable water, control of vectors (like rats, some insects, etc) reduced the major killers of the day (infectious diseases) dramatically; if you'll accept proper use of quarantine for some infectious diseases, I can honestly say this almost had tuberculosis controlled before the institution of antitubercular antibiotics.SQUARE MEALS: This is still being prescribed by physicians, under the name of proper nutrition. If you don't think it's still going on, listen to people go on about the sodium in their diet, the cholesterol and trans fats in their diet, etc...Not the usual answers, and people have forgotten that these are all things that were, at one time, physician driven... but still surprisingly good. Those three broad things have added about as much to the average human lifespan as all of the rest of the medical complex developed since 1945 put together--and for a whole lot less money!!!OK, I'll go peacefully...
In my humble opinion, it was the discovery of micro-organisms - germs. It led to the general knowledge of not only how we work, but how important sanitation is when performing medical procedures.
I go with germ theory; it has made all the difference.
The discovery that micro-organisms cause diseases was very important.
Also, was the - not so much discovery, but invention - of penicillin.
there are so many. i would say theres 3 on the top o the list.
1. DNA undersanding
2. Artificial penisillin
3. germs... mircroorganisms
Gandalf- Nurses pushed for handwashing. When doctors where going from autopsy to delivering babies, millions of women died from childbed fever. When midwives were delivering babies and washing their hands, the instances of death decreased. Back to the question. Germ theory and penicillin are the most important discoveries.
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